Tuesday, May 21, 2019, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM (check-in 7:30 AM; lunch provided)
(Rain date is Thursday, May 23)
Location: Tim Rozendaal Residence, 1650 County Line Road, Otley IA
CE hours: 6.0 – approved for CIOWTS credential and Time of Transfer Inspectors
Content: This workshop is geared towards new onsite installers and others with less than a year of experience to the onsite wastewater industry. The focus is on installation practices on various types of soil absorption trenches. Several major topics will be covered and include 1) Locating and Septic System Layout 2) Pipe Fittings and Pipe Installation 3) Tank and pump Installation 4) Tools of the Trade 5) Trench Install and D Boxes 6) Inspection.