
Iowa One Call: Dig Tickets - Excavators, please try one of Iowa One Call's FREE dig-ticket entry programs. Both programs are simple to use and allow you to enter tickets at your convenience.    IBIS: Internet Based Input System - call Jeff Tatusko, 412-415-5089
ONTRY (ONe call Ticket enTRY) - for more information visit, Iowa One Call

Environmental Protection Agency - SepticSmart is a national program to promote proper septic system care and maintenance by homeowners.  This program, which was initially suggested by NOWRA and other members of EPA's Decentralized Wastewater Management Partnership, provides a range of tools (including many in Spanish), for industry practitioners and local governments to help educate homeowners. Some of the tools in the kit are designed to be printed and distributed locally. Others are electronic-based. 

Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) - Onsite Wastewater Training Center - select events noted in the "Course/Section" for the OWTC (Onsite Wastewater Training Center) 

Iowa Department of Natural Resources - Operators Certification  (Time of Transfer Inspectors)

Iowa Department of Public Health - Plumbing licensing search

National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA)

NOWRA Septic Locator

National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)

National Small Flows Clearinghouse

University of Minnesota Onsite Information

University of Wisconsin Small Scale Waste Management Project

Virginia Division of Onsite Sewage and Water Services

Ohioline Environment

Purdue Residential Onsite Wastewater Disposal

All Septic System Information Website

Onsite and Clustered (Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems Home

Soil-based Wastewater Treatments - publication by Jose Amador and George Loomis.

Iowa Department of Public Health - Flood-related disease precautions and information.