For both the Basic and Advanced Levels you must verify that you are at least 16 years old. Proof of age must be submitted prior to taking the test at the test site registration (e.g. copy of driver’s license or birth certificate).
Basic Level Exam - 75 questions, 2 hours to complete
Advanced Level Exam - 125 questions, 3 hours to complete
All questions are written in multiple choice format. The CIOWTS exam is based upon the following content areas. Next to each subject area the approximate percentage of questions in that content area on the exam. State and local codes are not part of the test.
1. Knowledge of site plans; basic surveying; topography; site features
2. Knowledge of materials requirements; standards and specifications; soil profile descriptions; pump performance; treatment and dispersal technologies
3. Ability to conceptualize an installation activity
4. Ability to make mathematical calculations of area, volume, elevation, rates, measures and weights
1. Knowledge of installation plans; elevations; topography
2. Ability to transfer designer’s plan to site; reconcile variations; identify conflict
3. Knowledge of equipment needs and limitations; materials and supplies; soil characteristics
4. Ability to make mathematical calculation
5. Ability to identify subcontractor and homeowner needs and potential conflicts
1. Knowledge of soil characteristics; ability to recognize soil characteristics in the field
2. Knowledge of specifications and installation techniques for tanks, baffles, filters and screens, piping and fittings, aggregate and fill material, proprietary treatment components, pumps and siphons, liner materials, valves, switches and tubing
3. Knowledge of electrical requirements
4. Knowledge of gravity and pump/siphon dosed system requirements
5. Knowledge of timers and remote monitoring
6. Knowledge of bedding, testing, pipe connection methodologies
7. Knowledge of pump performance specifications; total dynamic head in pressurized systems
8. Ability to make mathematical calculations, conversions