Certified Installer of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (CIOWTS) Credential
Continuing Education: You will need a total of 12.0 CE hours for renewal of the CIOWTS Certification in each 2-year credential cycle. Continuing education must be earned during the two-year credential cycle. Events listed on the IOWWA website are pre-approved for the credential. IOWWA will accept up to 6 CE hours of online training per CIOWTS credential cycle and 2 CE hours per credential cycle for county contractor meetings (even if multiple county contractor meetings are attended). Detailed information concerning the CIOWTS credential can be found on the "Certification" page.
Iowa Department of Public Health – Continuing education hours earned for the IDPH plumbing licensing Plumbing and Plumbing Code Disciplines are approved the CIOWTS Credential. Submit via email to contactus@iowwa.com the date, location, instructor, course title and CE hours earned.
Note: For those with the Iowa DNR Time of Transfer license, refer to the Iowa DNR Operator Certification website to check your Iowa DNR Time of Transfer continuing education hours: https://programs.iowadnr.gov/opcertweb/pages/opmenu.aspx