IOWWA publishes four quarterly newsletters each year. Individual and primary members will receive a copy. The fall and winter issues each year are also mailed to over 1000 persons in the onsite wastewater industry promoting the IOWWA annual conference. IOWWA members can submit stories from the field and current newsworthy articles to be published in our next Onsite Observer!
2024 Onsite Observer Advertising Prospectus - IOWWA’S Onsite Observer is published four times per year (spring, summer, fall and winter) for onsite wastewater industry professionals. Two issues reach approximately 600-700 contractors, manufacturers, maintenance, regulatory and other industry-related personnel. The fall and winter issues publish emerging details of the IOWWA Annual Convention held in January of each year. If you would like more information about advertising with IOWWA, contact Pam Schoffner, P.S. Writes, 515-371-0310 or email