The winner of the winter 2019 photo caption contest is Kelly Amador, Black Hawk County Public Health, with the caption "This would hold so much beer!". Congratulations Kelly!
Lucky past winners are: Jon Cornish, West Central Services (2017 conference contest); Steve Anderson, Kossuth County Environmental Health (spring 2017 contest); Margaret Jaynes, Story County Environmental Health (summer 2017 contest) and Nate Tirevold, Beemer Companies (fall 2017 contest); Jayme Arkfeld, Arkfeld Water Services (2018 conference contest); Carie Sager, Grundy County Zoning/Environmental Health (spring 2018 contest); Katie Resor, R & R Septic Solutions (fall 2018 contest); Jayme Arkfeld, Arkfeld Water Services (winter 2018 contest; Kent Irwin, Guthrie County Health Services (2019 conference contest); Tammy McKeever, Clay County Environmental Health (2019 spring contest); and Carie Sager, Grundy County Environmental Health (2019 summer contest); Sherrie Wilson, Sac County Environmental Health, Sac City, IA (2019 fall contest).